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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School

Year 6

The Year 6 team for this year is Ms Dale, Mr Pennock and Mrs Brewer

Homework at Forty Hil

At Forty Hill we believe in developing the whole child, academically as well as spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. We understand that some parents like lots of homework whereas others wish for none at all. In order to find a ‘best fit’, we publish our homework grids on a half termly basis (see above), giving a range of activities for children to do, both independently or with adult support. One homework activity needs to be completed each week and handed in every Wednesday morning. This will be acknowledged by the teaching team. Remember to choose at least 1 activity from each row over the half-term. Remember to be as creative as possible! Please see your teacher or teaching assistant if you are unsure about any of the activities.

Some parents have requested additional maths homework to be provided by us, so we have published suggested workbooks for each relevant year group (as well as the answers) below. This additional optional homework does not need to be submitted and should be used as a tool for supporting your child at home if you wish.

The Curriculum Booklets, giving details of what the children will be learning each half-term, can be found below, along with the half-term’s homework grid and spelling list.