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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School

Security, Safety and GDPR

It is important that we keep our children safe and secure at all times. School security is regularly reviewed by the school and the Governors. We strive to keep a balance between providing a safe, secure environment and being open and welcoming to parents and legitimate visitors to the school.

Security Gates
We have electronic gates around the school site, which are monitored by the office. The gates are only open at specific times of the day. When they are closed, please buzz in to gain access to the school site. 
The school gates will be locked at 8.50 am and opened at 3.20 pm. Outside of these times you will need to press the ‘button’ on the side gate to be allowed in. The only entrance to the school during the school day is via the church path opposite the main reception area of the school. The Staff Car Park is not accessible for parents during the school day unless a valid disabled badge is produced.

Signing In and Leaving the Premises 
All visitors and parents staying on school premises must sign in and out so that we know who is in the building. Parents are requested to come into school through the main reception area by the school office. 
Children will be handed over to an elected responsible adult at the end of the school day. They will not be allowed to leave the school premises until the teacher has seen the person collecting them in the playground. Those children not collected promptly will be taken to the main reception by the school office where they will be signed in. If children are regularly collected late, the headteacher will request a meeting to discuss the situation. 
Children needing to leave the premises during the school day will need to be signed out and signed in if they return before 3.20 pm. A letter or email giving the reason for the absence should be sent in prior to the appointment.
By the time children reach Year 6, some parents may wish their child to walk home. As it is not our policy to let unaccompanied children leave the premises, it is essential that parents inform the school in writing that they have made this decision and take full responsibility for the safety of their child.

Although parking is limited, parents currently have permission to park by Jesus Church at their own risk. However, we encourage parents to use the car park at Forty Hall and walk along the all-weather footpath to the crossing outside the school gates. Parents are asked to be respectful of local residents and under no circumstances should they park or stop on the yellow zigzag lines. This is a motoring offence and the area is regularly patrolled by traffic wardens and Community Police. 
The school car park is for staff and disabled badge holders only. Parents and children should not walk through the car park at any point during the school day. The car park will be open from 4.30pm to allow parents to collect children from the Den Club. 

Fire Alarms
The school is fitted with a fire alarm system which is tested regularly. A “Fire Drill” is practised once every half term when the children learn to leave the building in an orderly manner, calmly and quickly. In the event of a real fire or emergency, the children will be taken to Jesus Church as our evacuation centre. In the event of any incident, parents/carers should not take children away until they have been formally dismissed to ensure the school is satisfied that everyone is safe.​


Data Protection
From May 2018, the law is changing in the UK about the way in which data is gathered, kept, stored and shared. Enfield Local Authority has appointed a Data Protection Officer to work with all schools in Enfield to ensure that we are compliant. You are always welcome to talk to us about the way in which we gather, keep, store and share data and also view our policies and retention schedule below.

Data Protection - Covid-19 update
The school has been informed that, as part of the new NHS Test and Trace service, we may need to share the names and contact numbers of anyone (or their parents and carers where applicable) who may have come into contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. This will generally be a child or adult within the same ‘bubble’.

The NHS Test and Trace service:

  • ensures that anyone who develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can quickly be tested to find out if they have the virus
  • helps trace recent close contacts of anyone who tests positive for coronavirus and notifies them that they must self-isolate at home to help stop the spread of the virus

Therefore, we may need to share your details with Public Health England as part of Forty Hill's public duty requirements. You will also be required to take the steps that Public Health England communicate to you if they contact you.