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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School


As our Vision states Forty Hill CE School aspires to 'ignite curious minds, nurture a passion for learning and enable everyone to experience and share faith, hope and service'.

Forty Hill CE School is committed to providing a high-quality education for all children. We are an inclusive school and seek to raise achievement and remove barriers to learning so that our children can achieve their full potential. Every child at Forty Hill CE School is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum. We recognise that each child is unique and aim to provide support in a sensitive, caring manner.

There are children with SEND in every class, therefore all teachers are teachers of children with SEND and all staff play a vital role in ensuring the full integration of pupils with SEND. High-quality, adapted teaching for individual pupils is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEND.

We promote early identification of additional needs by assessing and monitoring pupil progress and working with parents and external agencies. Appropriate support is provided to overcome barriers to children’s learning through adapted teaching, interventions, additional provision, and the advice of external professionals.

At Forty Hill we have a wide range of tailored provision that includes:

  • visual timetables in every room
  • use of coloured backgrounds on white boards
  • targeted teaching and interventions
  • 1:1 teaching
  • individualised curriculums
  • personalised timetables
  • visual symbols for communication
  • a range of resources specific to the need

Our principle aim is to enable every child to achieve his or her full potential through a caring, supportive and inclusive learning environment.  

As well as your child's Class Teacher, our SENDCo, Miss Teresa Bissett, is also available to talk through any concerns that you have about your child's education and wellbeing.  We firmly believe in early identification and intervention and operate an open door policy.

To view Enfield's Local Offer, click here Enfield Local Offer