RE and Collective Worship
We aim to provide our pupils with opportunities to become religiously literate through the understanding of what it means to have a faith and to develop an opinion on beliefs and values. Pupils are given opportunities to learn about religions and faith communities and demonstrate a deep respect for one another, regardless of faith or cultural background.
The London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS) works closely with us to provide a stimulating and relevant RE curriculum. Through this curriculum, pupils are taught to understand the key Biblical concepts and to investigate and reflect on the fundamental questions in life. Our Curriculum Map can be found below.
It is well supported by our Rev Mandy James, with regular opportunities for the whole school community to join together in worship at the Church, as well as in school. Music plays an important part in the worshipping life of our community and contributes well to pupils’ biblical knowledge and understanding. Biblical teaching and our school’s Christian vision and values are incorporated into our daily collective worship.
Through collective worship, we give our pupils the opportunity to begin to develop an age-appropriate understanding of complex Christian beliefs such as that of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Prayer is given an important place within the life of our school and pupils are encouraged to write their own prayers, which are used effectively to support collective worship. Bible Study is led by clergy members on a regular basis to delve deeper into biblical text and concepts.