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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School

Pupil Responsibility

Our School Councillors represent each class in the school from Year 1 - Year 6.

They were elected by their class peers and meet regularly with the senior management team to discuss key issues within the school. They have created an action plan and progress board for what they set out to achieve. This important group of decision makers work with Miss Dale on a regular basis to evaluate the learning, behaviour, ethos and opportunities at Forty Hill CE School and propose and implement new ideas or initiative to continually improve our school.

Click here to view our School Council Rationale

Our Year 6 House Captains were elected by their Houses at the beginning of September.

Our House Captains are voted in by the pupils and represent their Tree House Group. Their responsibilities include: leading their Tree House group including speaking in Acts of Worship on behalf of their House group; meeting with the senior management and School Council to discuss issues across the school; supporting with parent tours; handing out values certificates in achievement assembly; leading House cays of worship; motivating and celebrating with their houses during assemblies and sports events; and much more. They are our role models for behaviour and the rest of the school and have high expectations of themselves as well as others. 

Year 6 Prefects

This year we recognised that many of our Year 6 pupils wanted to take on additional responsibilities around the school and were already showing their maturity and confidence through supporting our younger children at breaktimes, being extremely helpful to adults in the school and being all-round role models for our school Values. As a result, we have given them the title of 'prefects' to recognise their contribution to the whole school and their continued role of responsibility for their final year at Forty Hill. Well done girls, we are very proud of you!

Our Eco-Council

Our Eco Council will have a bigger role this year as we partake in the Global Neighbours accreditation. This group of children, voted by their class, will be working closely with Mrs Saunders to ensure we are doing our very best as a school to support our environment, locally, nationally and globally. They will be responsible for researching and implementing projects to enhance the sustainability of the school, reduce our carbon footprint and educate the whole community on taking responsibility as 'Stewards of the World' to live greener and protect our Earth.

Our Playtime Buddies

Our lovely Playtime Buddies, all applied for their positions and provide daily organised games and support for our youngest children. They show all of our Values and are excellent role models to all the children.
Our Collective Worship Team

Children across the school volunteered to be part of a team to review our Collective Worship and Church Services. They meet with Ms Izard and Rev Mandy to discuss these important aspects of our Religious Education and Christian distinctiveness - their weekly feedback on the acts of worship is vital to improving the experience for all the children in our school.