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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School


At Forty Hill, we use three core themes throughout the year in our PSHE lessons; Relationships, Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World falling within our vision of every child having every opportunity to be Fulfilled, Healthy and Successful.

Through these umbrella headings, we address many issues faced by our children in the world they are growing up in. Through a range of strategies, including discussions, role-play, conscience alleys, picture stimuli and art work, we explore the feelings, behaviours and choices we may have and face as we grow up. We utilise a range of sources, including Picture News and Purple Mash, Literacy Shed Plus and Newsround, as well as outside speakers, for example, John Gilbert, WaterAid and Amnesty International, in some of our sessions. We use current events, both nationally and internationally, to stimulate lively, thought-provoking and interesting discussions amongst our classes. Interwoven with all this, is our SMSC and Reaching Out Programme, which aims to enrich the lives of our children and develop a deeper understanding of our role in the world that we live in. All lessons taught through this curriculum, including the supporting materials are in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).

In addition, we use Philosophy for Children (P4C) to stimulate further discussions where the aim is ‘not to win an argument’ but to gain a deeper understanding of different approaches and viewpoints held by those around us in order that we may develop our own understanding and empathy. You can read more about the P4C approach by clicking (

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) 

Following a consultation of all stakeholders (staff, Governors, children and parents), the Governing Body approved the use of the Christopher Winter Project to teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) as part of our PSHE curriculum at Forty Hill. 

The consultation document can be found here: Consultation Summary

The Final Policy and Curriculum can be found below. 

“PSHE and P4C allow us to talk about our opinions. I feel really comfortable talking about my ideas and listening to others. The lessons really help me be calm and to think about myself as well as others.”

– Year 6 pupil.