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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School

Our Vision and Values


Our vision is that we nurture our children, and the wider community, in their thinking and understanding, and to personally grasp faith, hope and service on their spiritual journey.   

These key aspirations are now anchored in the words of Jesus “Love one another as I have loved you”. The context for, and setting of this command, is Jesus washing his disciples feet, an act normally performed by a servant.  The enormity of this act is profound. Jesus was setting his disciples a clear example of servanthood “By this everyone will know you are my disciples”. We are shown that no person is more important than another and through our learning, particularly RE and PSHE, and our actions, such as our Global Neighbours and Reaching Out projects, we seek to understand this and then to act upon it. This is key because the ‘living out’ is how Jesus’s words are put into daily practice. 

Contextually, Jesus’s next act was to give his life as a ransom for many.  This core concept of Salvation is the centre point for Christian hope that we are forever reconciled with God.            Hope directly links with our foundation as a Church of England school; hope for every child, hope for their future, hope for the world and hope that we are forever reconciled with God. The messages from the Last Supper and particularly Jesus’s command shape our ethos as a welcoming, inclusive, aspirational and loving community rooted in faith, hope and service.