Online Safety
At Forty Hill, we like to encourage our children to use the internet in a safe way. We use iPads and computers regularly, allowing the children freedom to research and investigate our ever-changing world.
Forthcoming Event
Education Child Protection will be joining us on Online Safety Day on the 11th February to once again deliver their informative Online Safety session for parents.
Link to follow
We take online safety extremely seriously and revisit how the children can keep themselves safe whilst using technology throughout the year in dedicated lessons. At the beginning of every term, we remind the children about staying safe online and how to report anything they feel uncomfortable with. We also set aside a whole day a year to this important subject and invite parents and carers to participate in workshops, as well as providing additional lessons and activities for the classes on this day too.
At the ‘meet the teacher meetings’ in September, we show one of the following age appropriate videos to impress upon children and teachers the importance of staying safe online:
Phase 1 (Reception – Year 2)
Phase 2 (Year 3 – Year 6)
Useful Links