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Forty Hill C.E. School

Forty Hill C.E. School


Music is very much a part of the life and soul of our school and our Christian Community. We can often hear children (and staff!) singing as they walk along the corridors or in the playground.  

Music in the Classroom

Some of the music at Forty Hill is taught through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) units, with children learning about the following as they progress throughout the school:

  • Listening to and singing familiar songs and creating simple rhythms
  • Making their own instruments
  • Researching well-known composers
  • Playing a range of tuned and untuned instruments as an ensemble
  • Performing and recording own compositions
  • Analysing the pitch and mood of musical pieces

Singing Assembly

All children take part in a weekly singing assembly. Hymns, songs and carols, both modern and traditional are learnt, as well as songs for festivals. We sing every day and singing together is very much a part of our school. All classes take part in a class assembly throughout the year and these provide a range of musical opportunities, including performance.

Enrichment opportunities in Music

Whole class recorder lessons – Children in Year 3 have two terms of recorder lessons, led by Enfield Music Service, with a performance to parents and the whole school in the Autumn and Spring Term. These lessons offer the chance for children of all abilities to learn to play an instrument.

Instrumental lessons – We have a team of peripatetic teachers who come in on a weekly basis. Pupils at Forty Hill are able to learn to play the following instruments: violin, recorder, double bass, clarinet, guitar, piano and keyboard. Pupils who learn to play an instrument at school are able to – and encouraged to – perform in assemblies throughout the year.

Choir – The choir is a lunchtime club run by Mrs Munt. The choir is open to all children in Years 2 to 6. The choir performs at a range of venues around Enfield, including at local schools and festivals, Jesus Church, Forty Hall Banqueting Suite, Carol service and our school fairs.

Productions – Every child in the school has the opportunity to perform and sing in a production each year.  At Christmas, Year 3 lead a production supported by Year 1 and 2. Reception and Nursery perform a Nativity too. At the end of the school year, Year 6 pupils lead the summer production supported by Year 4 and 5. All of our productions are truly ambitious projects and involve all children in singing, playing instruments, drama, visual art and dance.

More able musicians – For those who are working towards or have passed music grades, our biannual music concerts provide the opportunity for them to really shine. Parents, governors and friends are invited to these wonderful events, showcasing the talent of our young performers.

For further information on any music lessons, please contact the office or Enfield Music Service directly.

EMS website address is:
(search 'Enfield Music Service' to find the EMS pages)

Email contact:


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